Saturday, October 20, 2007

Anyone Still Read this?

Just wondering - as I sure don't update it very often... if you are still reading, sorry!

Have had a fun few weeks... got a cold... very bad idea for people who have cough syncope to catch colds!

Not accomplishing anywhere near as much as I needed to re: school... it is reading week now though... thank GOD! GOT to get my first Shakespeare course essays done and out of the way ... of course, I can't actually submit them due to my computer crash I have lost all of my email addresses including that of my tutor!

Will have to call Athabasca for that, I guess.

Also lost the bit I had done re: the first essay but that's not a major deal... have my thesis paragraph on Gather... will start from there and do it again... now if only I could find my copy of Henry IV! Can use an online version for writing it.. but need to find the dumb book to source the darn thing... unless I use act/scene numbers - then I might be able to fake it, right? Right.

On top of two 10 pages essays for Shakespeare, got some stuff to do for my Honours Essay re: Margaret Laurence... plus a paper for 20th Century poetry, and another for Victorian Literature... if I can get all that done - at least drafts - will be in good shape to survive the rest of the semester. Oh yeah...also need to at least look at Grad school apps and make sure I know when the deadlines are - would suck to miss them.