Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Didn't your mom ever tell you?

Didn't your mom ever tell you?
That if you can't say anything nice
Don't say anything at all?
Didn't she tell you once or twice?
I bet she did - you forgot?
Forgetting's not a crime
or is it? Well it can be
I'm afraid it is, this time.
Maybe you should count to 10
before you open your mouth and blurt
out your ill formed - thoughts?
not considering who you might hurt.
You're not bright enough to know it yet
perhaps you'll never be -
but this time, dear, I think you'll find
your words bite you, not me.


1 comment:

Flemisa said...

Now who are you talking about? Enquiring minds want to know.

Did you have a nice visit with Pat and Angus?