Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In Class

Samuel Taylor Coleridge today ...not one of my particular favourites - although some of his work is not SO bad... but really, Christabel did nothing for me.... I have no use whatsoever for vampires, for starters.

Having a much better week - got a whole whack of ~stuff~ done - things I've been putting off. Did the paperwork re: Sudbury for fall, and started the process re: applying for permission to do the Honours Essay thing... haven't made much progress with papers yet - all Jess' fault! But much better able to focus on stuff now... got my reading all caught up, and after class today will start working on the papers I need to get done ... 2 of them just need drafts, 1 needs to be DONE and ready to hand in by Monday... I'm off at 2 today and all day tomorrow though, so should be able to get at least a good start on things tonight/tomorrow.

Talked to the Leacock Festival people, and volunteered re: doing media coverage for it - offered to write daily articles - review the events each day and provide info re: the next day.... I'm excited about it - would give me a great reason to attend all the events again (which I really enjoyed last year) - and hang out with the authors - and assuming the paper goes for it - will also contribute to my 'track record'

Seminar starting and prof coming to sit behind me ... gotta go

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