Friday, February 09, 2007

Well. THAT! was not fun!

Just came back in from shovelling the crap from the end of the garage driveway so that I will be able to get the car out in the event that they don't close the college...which they probably won't do until lunch time at the earliest because if they don't at least open in the a.m. they get less money. If they wait until later in the day, there is no impact on what comes in - which means those of us who teach earlier in the morning have little hope of being spared the drive.

Anyway - R. said to wake him up and he'd shovel for me, but I so did not want to do that. So I've been out and done that, and now that I've almost got my breath back, I'm going to torment the old lady for a bit (change and a roll; try to get some food, meds, juice into her; all that fun stuff) and then I will reload the college's website again and hope that they've given me a break - but knowing they won't!

Only 1 class this morning, and short this week - only doing one chapter, then giving them their assignment and letting them go ~work on it~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what? i get mentioned on gather, but not on your blog? god i'm i went to sleep at 12 and up at's that for a good night's sleep? LOL