Monday, January 08, 2007

Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

Right now it feels like it. New semester started today, and my schedule is (already!!) feeling more than a little overwhelming. I'm wiped - and then some ....2 3 hour classes with the same prof, a 10 minute break, and then I teach for 3 hours... and then the 1 hour drive home. And tomorrow, my first class is at 8 a.m. ....and I have 2 (again 3 hours each) back to back ... then errands for hubby's store, run home and fix two computers .... and be home to take care of my MIL by 5.... then Wed. is off... but got my 6 month old grandson for the day ... then teaching 2 on Thurs. And Friday is split...teach in the a.m., CanLit in the p.m.

Oh, and one of my former bosses left a message today - wants me to call her asap (if it's a job offer ACK!) ... and I picked up some more database work, and and and and .... did I mention I have about 50 textbooks for this semester - and every class has at least one, usually 2, papers that must be written?

AND I have a novel to finish and a bunch of short stories on the back burner and - oh, and I've been asked to give another reading, and there's this one day workshop and .... oh yeah, and kid wants to know when I'm going to deliver her left behind Christmas prezzies and put up her shelves and and and ....

YIKES! what have I done????

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