Sunday, January 21, 2007

Just Babbling

Have been working on my novel today .... sounds pretentious, doesn't it? LOL Oh well... it will, I hope, someday be a novel.... seems like every time I go back to it I find more stuff that needs changing. Somewhere along the way I changed the name of the male cyw (who I have made deliberately subordinate to the female - the influence of having taken Womens Studies, perhaps?) ... anyway, when I read through it again today I noticed that I missed a spot - or 10. NOW he's Joe all the way through... glad I didn't send it out like that! Spent some time updating my character outlines and so on ... which was worthwhile... have never really used character outlines and so on .... i.e. made notes to keep everybody straight... sure a lot easier to work from that way though.

Anyway, was making great progress, but then I coughed. And fainted. cough syncope ... the bain of my existance, at least today. If it was only the once, would be no big deal, but I am having a very bad day... angina, multiple incidents of coughing = waking up lying on the floor...and now, no doubt because of it, I have a wicked, wicked headache...

Took my meds, and tried to go back to writing but I can't concentrate, and can't seem to stay conscious long enough to accomplish anything worthwhile... good thing I've done my reading for next week! Well, most of it... have read everything required for my classes ... just haven't yet got to the 2 books on which I am signed up to lead seminars.. one of them I can't find, and the other, while I have it, I haven't started reading it. Will get to it ....eventually.

Got D. up... too late, now I have to change her bed before I can put her back into it. I knew I should have done it earlier! But I felt like crap and she is sick and so was sleeping and not at all interested in doing the rise & shine thing... Oh well... now she's up and I'm leaving her in her wheelchair because she's still wobbly and so'm I ... the transfers I've already done - bed to wc to toilet and back into the wc were enough to wipe me out completely...damn... there I go again.

This sucks! And it's going to suck even more if I'm not better by tomorrow. I am not looking forward to driving if I can't stop fainting! Nor to 9 hours of class :( Have to go though.... I have a quiz worth 10% of my final mark... and of course, I'm teaching in the evening. Will see how I feel though.. B. would likely let me make up the quiz ... and it's not that big a deal if I cancel a class...we just tack it on at the end... Might be the smarter thing to do ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU miss a day of classes? NEVER...not until hell freezes over and pigs fly...